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The Water Papers
Original title: Los Papeles de Agua
Category: Fiction

The Water Papers

Original title: Los Papeles de Agua
Category: Fiction

This book is formed by the notebooks of a writer who decides to escape the failure of her most recent novel by losing herself, or finding herself, in Venice. As she discovers the hidden face of the city, its passions and its nightlife, she begins to emerge from her depression. When Deyanira meets Aldo, she realises that everything she has written up to that point has been a lie. In the eyes and the body of her lover she finds a truth that she did not even know she had been looking for. But the strength of her passion and the strange disappearance of her lover will force her to confront the dark side of a city full of hidden enigmas; a city where everyone is in the mafia, or everyone is their own mafia.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 450 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-08203-3 | Imprint: Planeta

Other titles of the author