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Let It Be Good Love
Original title: Que sea amor del bueno
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

Let It Be Good Love

Original title: Que sea amor del bueno
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

Why affective responsibility is essential in our relationships

Learn to give and receive good love

If you have ever been in a relationship that seemed great but then the other person suddenly vanished, if somehow that ex-partner with whom things were terrible ends up convincing you to get back together, or if you feel stuck in sporadic relationships in which you only receive crumbs of affection, the first thing you should know is that you are not the problem; rather, you have had the misfortune of getting involved with people who lack affective responsibility.

Affective responsibility is the awareness that every act we perform in a bond, especially in a couple relationship, has consequences on the other person. Lack of communication, not expressing what one truly feels or avoiding conflictive situations, often lead to relationships where responsibility is conspicuous by its absence. Unfortunately, toxic attitudes are increasingly common and emotional irresponsibility is the new pandemic of love. Therefore, we must learn to recognize the signs and escape from such relationships, to limit as much as possible the damage to our self-esteem and so that we can then build other healthier and happier bonds.

In this book, Marta Martínez Novoa, a specialist in relationships, will teach you to identify all forms of irresponsible behavior in relationships, whether the relationship is a long one or just lasts a few months. You will understand that love does not harm, and that you have the right to demand that both the love you give and the love you receive is good love.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 288 pages | ISBN: 978-628-00-0381-8 | Imprint: Diana

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