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The Silhouette Of Forgetting
Original title: La silueta del olvido
Category: Fiction | Thriller & Noir

The Silhouette Of Forgetting

Original title: La silueta del olvido
Category: Fiction | Thriller & Noir

Inspector Claudia Carreras wants to be a good cop and a good person. In that order. But both objectives are beyond her reach because of her desolation after the murder of her partner and lover, Tomás, in Madrid.

To forget it all, she moves to Valencia, where she is supposed to investigate the strange kidnapping of Lara Valls, the daughter of a wealthy family. Soon she discovers that nothing in this case is what it seems, and little by little, she begins to empathize with Lara: both are addicted to literature, to the past, to suffering. Three drugs that can be fatal.

Highlights The Silhouette Of Forgetting


A novel with an intriguing plot and an apparently simple style full of secret depths.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 464 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-20833-4 | Imprint: Planeta